About being a great coach and strong virtual leader

About being a great coach and strong virtual leader

“Leadership is a muscle you practice” It’s okay to learn how to be a strong virtual leader because, as Simon Senek says, “leadership is a muscle you practice,” and most of the time, people are not taught how to lead. And if leadership is a gym, you can...
3 things to help you shape your new virtual leadership style 

3 things to help you shape your new virtual leadership style 

A few years ago, when I was a Manager in a large company, I found myself in the middle of the debate between the VP of HR and other executives in the company about an employee request to work from home. It sounded like science fiction, and a strongly opinionated...
Three Reasons To Work On Your Remote Team Morale

Three Reasons To Work On Your Remote Team Morale

We’re starting to understand what really matters for leadership in a remote environment. Do we take the Twitter route on the “forever” WFH experience? What was still the future of work only a few months ago has become our reality. By force of circumstances, whether we...